Obaku sect_Ingen and Obaku no Uta,fucharyōri

黄檗山万福寺ōbakusan manpukuji
Monk brought to Japan

Its name is

His teaching is
There was more than just Zazen training.

Such as 往生(Ōjō)jōdo and Nembutsu
jōdo Teaching

Such as 真言陀羅尼(Shingon Darani)
Esoteric Buddhism elementI was preaching all together.

His reading the sutras
With that unique language
黄檗の梵唄Ōbaku bonbai
Become famous as.

Fried or fried in vegetable oil
Chinese style vegetarian food
普茶(Fu cha)cuisine
It’s different from other denominations.

What is Obaku sect?


founder of a sect

China's late Ming dynasty
High priest

Obaku sect_Ingen and Obaku no Uta,fucharyōri

When I was 23,
When I went to”普陀山Fuda san
one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in China, Bodhi heart woke me up.

following year,
Entering the priesthood under
鑑源興寿(Gangenkōju)of 黄檗山万福寺ōbakusan manpukuji
Became an official monk

1652 長崎興福寺(Nagasaki Sanfukuji)centered on
逸然性融(Itsunen shouyū)of

Obaku sect_Ingen and Obaku no Uta,fucharyōri

長崎三福寺Nagasaki Kōfukuji,
Since there were vacant seats for the priest of崇福寺Sōfukujiasked 隠元Ingento come.

隠元Ingendispatches his disciple 也嬾性圭Yaran shōkei,
On my way to Japan, I lost my life in a shipwreck.

Nagasaki Sanfukuji's
逸然性融(Itsunen shouyū)and others were eager for 隠元Ingen's visit to Japan.


隠元(Ingen) led about twenty disciples, 

I came to Nagasaki on July 5, 1654. 


You will receive the land of the temple from a place called Uji.

The temple built in this area
It is still known for its unique Chinese style.
It is "黄檗山万福寺(ōbakusan man pukuji)".
(The temple name is taken from 黄檗山(ōbakusan) in China)

隠元(Ingen), who decided to stay in Japan for a long time,
This 万福寺(manpukuji) started full-scale missionary activities.

Strict discipline and active social welfare
Zen from 黄檗宗(Obaku sect) also had a strong influence on 臨済宗(Rinzai sect), which was still stagnant.

The 施餓鬼会(Segakie) in 羅漢寺(Rakanji), Edo became popular and popular among the common people.
施餓鬼会(Segakie) is the memorial service for the people who fall into 餓鬼道(Gakido).
餓鬼道(Gakido) is the world of the deceased who constantly suffers from hunger and thirst.

後水尾上皇(Retired Emperor Gomizunoo)
Receive the "大光普照国師(Daikōfushoukokushi)" issue

隠元(Ingen) died at 82


object of adoration

釈迦如来(Shaka Nyorai)

Obaku sect_Ingen and Obaku no Uta,fucharyōri



Nothing specific


Buddha's heart, which human beings have by nature,
By doing Zazen training,
Find out with your own power,
How to try to get the same situation as the Buddha.

Discovery of Buddha's heart

That is,
To reach Satori's border
It's very difficult.

Use Zazen to unite your mind and body.
I am pleased with the labor service.
Promote self-reflection by copying the scriptures in the morning and evening
For a strict manner of eating,
Teaching the value of a grain of rice...

Every move in everyday life
Devoted to approach the world of Buddha.
Explain that it is important.

Hidden's teaching that adds "Nenbutsu Zen" of the Rinzai system,
Such as Ojo jōdo and Nembutsu
Preaching the jōdo doctrine,
Nembutsu Zazen While trying to match,
Such as 真言陀羅尼(Shingon Darani)
Esoteric Buddhism element
I was preaching all together.

Ming Dynasty of the Rinzai
Also, not in Chinese
The voice that reads aloud the scriptures with authentic Chinese rhymes is
Make the sound of wood fish loud
With the pronunciation of the Sutra Sutra as it is,
Rhythmically cast.
With that unique language
"黄檗の梵唄(Ōbaku bonbai)"
Become famous as.

"清規(Shingi)" is a set of Zen monk's living rules.
隠元(Ingen) successor,
Invented by 木庵性瑫(Mokuan shōtō).

Obaku sect_Ingen and Obaku no Uta,fucharyōri

普茶(Fucha) cuisine

精進料理(Shōjin food), like Chinese food, fried or fried in vegetable oil
There is also an ingenious "Modoki dish" (a dish that mimics meat and fish).
It is served on a platter and a table is filled with four people.
Informed by 隠元(Ingen).

Obaku sect_Ingen and Obaku no Uta,fucharyōri


Long-established store of 普茶(Fucha) cuisine『白雲庵(Hakuunan)』

Nisiura30, Gokasho, Uji Shi, Kyoto Fu, 611-0011, Japan
business hours 10:00~16:00(L.O.14:00)
phone number 0774-32-0700

隠元豆(kidney bean)

Obaku sect_Ingen and Obaku no Uta,fucharyōri

What is believed to have brought to Japan by 隠元(Ingen)
「隠元豆(kidney bean)」
「隠元頭巾(Ingen hood)」
「隠元蒲団(Ingen futon)」
There are many such

Big Head Temples

山号(Sangō) is「黄檗山(Ōbaku-san)」

Obaku sect

Founded by 隠元(Ingen).
Came along with 隠元(Ingen)
By Chinese technicians,
Imitation of (ōbakusan man pukuji) in China,
大伽藍(Big galan). was erected in the style of the Ming Dynasty.

3wari34, Gokasho, Uji Shi, Kyoto Fu, 611-0011, Japan


Also called (toudera) or (Shina tera),
This is the temple where (Ingen) conducted missionary activities when he came to Japan.
第一峰門(Daiippōmon), 大雄宝殿(Daiyūhōden) are designated as National treasure.

7-5 Kajiyamachi, Nagasaki, Nagasaki
